Last Friday JMYS sent out an email blast to our clients titled “Standing By”.
Standing By is something we are all doing now, not by choice initially, but that’s our current predicament.
The response to that one newsletter has been phenomenal, thank you!
Tim Queeney, the Editor of Ocean Navigator magazine asked for permission to print an excerpt from that blast and put it up online this week on their Ocean Voyager Blog with the title “While flying the yellow flag.” Thank you, Tim.
Since not everyone is signed up for the JMYS newsletter we decided to post the Ocean Navigator version to share on our site:

Frequent Ocean Navigator contributor, yacht broker, and trawler expert, Jeff Merrill, included some thoughtful words in a recent email newsletter that are worth considering during the current time of pandemic crisis while we are flying the “Q” flag. If you’d like to see more from Jeff, head to his website, where you can sign up to his email list.
“There will always be boats to whisk us away for adventure. This worldwide crisis is affecting everyone and none of us know when we get to return to the old ways or when the new version of how we change the way we live will start. So, we are patiently Standing By, heaving-to on land if you will, and keeping busy at home, preparing for a return to activity.
“It is customary for cruisers to fly their yellow quarantine flag when they arrive in a new country. This nautical formality is typically short-lived once immigration and customs clear you in. It looks like the month of April is going to be a Q-Flag month (and maybe into the following month(s) with most of us spending these upcoming weeks in isolation.
“Time is the measure of all things and the unknown amount available to each of us before we’re done diminishes with each passing day. The acronym QTR comes to mind (Quality Time Remaining). It’s true, you only get one life to live or, as some say, “YOLO”. It helps the JMYS team to keep a positive attitude and plan for the days ahead when we can get back to doing what we love.
“We have all missed out on the freedom to do what we please during this stay-at-home mandate, but many of the clients we have spoken to are treating this as a “Hibernation”, an opportunity to regroup, rest up and set their priorities for the upcoming season whenever it starts. They are envisioning family and friends, underway trips, independence and accomplishment, all important attributes of trawler ownership”.