Hosted by Steve D’Antonio – April, 2016

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Steve D’Antonio is one of the most talented marine professionals we know.  For many years we have collaborated with Steve on both new and used boat projects.  Our business relationship has grown into a very strong friendship and JMYS is proud to recommend Steve and his impressive consulting service to all of our clients.

In addition to being a prolific author of boating articles, Steve is an outstanding public speaker. Steve was a regular presenter at Trawler Fests and he has also lectured at international boat shows, the US Naval Academy and held small informal workshops all over the world – most recently in Seattle, London and Sydney, often times aboard clients’ boats.

Two years ago Steve decided to host his own work shop and coordinated a one-day event near his home at the Deltaville Boatyard in Virginia. Keith Ruse is the owner of the DBY and he too has shared a lot of customers with Steve. This was a hands on event held in a boat yard setting, a fantastic learning experience with attendees using tools, and getting a firsthand education on many of the fundamental necessities that all cruisers need to understand in order to look after their equipment. This first work shop was such a success that the idea to grow it into a two-day weekend event was a natural evolution.

Last April, Steve invited Ralph Naranjo and Jeff Merrill to deliver lectures at this event in order to add a broader appeal and to cover other important aspects for cruisers.  The event was a sell out and it was a real treat to participate. A second event was scheduled for last October, but it was called off when the Hurricane Joaquin threatened to land during the weekend selected.

The upcoming work shop will take place on the weekend of April 16 and 17.  The event flyer is attached and all of the details are posted on Steve’s website if you go to this link  The same team, Steve, Keith, Ralph and Jeff will be on hand, but unfortunately the event is sold out.

If you are interested in getting on the mailing list to be informed of when future events will take place, please sign up on Steve’s website

You can download the Workshop brochure here

Workshop Brochure