Newsletter: Confused Seas
When you spend a lot of time underway, sooner or later you will encounter turbulent waters where the swell, chop, wind, waves and current all come together from different directions to create a bumpy, uncomfortable ride.
When you spend a lot of time underway, sooner or later you will encounter turbulent waters where the swell, chop, wind, waves and current all come together from different directions to create a bumpy, uncomfortable ride.
Offshore, out of sight of land, you are surrounded by the horizon in every direction. If you are not in a rush to reach your destination, time slows and you enjoy the journey.
If you are moving in the right direction, you are making headway. Over the last year we have witnessed an unprecedented desire for people to buy a trawler and take off cruising. The rushed timing and sparse availability has strained trawler brokers and created a fast paced environment propelled by a swelling wave of buyers eager to enter into transactions.
A true long-range trawler relies on a continuous duty engine, a powerful machine that runs 24/7 for extended periods of time. This same drive has propelled the JMYS team to carry on nonstop ever since post lock down travel started opening in June of 2020.
Everyone reading this has weathered quite a storm in 2020. From Standing By in March, to Underway in June the JMYS crew has vigilantly kept our business ship shape anticipating each new squall.
We sent out an email to our clientele in April titled “Standing By” which was the best we could do at the time as we all waited patiently to see what was going to happen while the world stopped.
This is not another email explaining what we are doing to make you safe, you’ve already received too many of those. We put this newsletter together for you to provide a positive distraction.
November is a transition month as the busy year aims towards the finish line and families start to think about the holiday gatherings. We completed the Baltimore TrawlerFest in September and spent time in Fort Lauderdale at the FLIBS.
It has been a few months since we sent out a general email update, time to fix that. Last year we added some new personnel to broaden our reach (Rob Piwowarczyk in California and Elle Conwell in Texas).
As the boating season heats up we wanted to send out an email update. You can stay up to speed with JMYS through our social media channels. It’s easy to follow our feeds by connecting through our links at the bottom of this newsletter.